Independent Review Completed on Circumstances and Process around Men's Basketball Program

July 22, 2013

Dear Faculty and Staff Colleagues,

Earlier today, the Board of Governors released the results of an independent review of the events that preceded the dismissal of former head men’s basketball coach Mike Rice.

The Board of Governors commissioned the review to help us better understand the circumstances surrounding these events and to provide recommendations to improve our policies and procedures going forward.  We will continue to do everything we can to ensure that every student is treated with dignity and respect and that our Rutgers community remains a model of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

I’m pleased the review is complete and I look forward to studying the report and discussing the recommendations with members of the administration, the faculty, and the Board of Governors.  Additional information will be provided as we work together to act on the recommendations and take the appropriate steps to improve our internal procedures.


Robert L. Barchi